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Try It You`ll Like It!
If you are between the ages of 4 1/2 and 16 years old, come test out a real Quarter Midget race car!!!

We will be scheduling test drive days based on interest, please fill out form to let us know when it would work in your schedule! Please include birthday and height so that we can properly match the driver to a car.

The cost is $25 per driver which includes borrowing one of our race ready cars, borrowing safety equipment, and at least 15 laps on the track. If the driver is handling the car well, more laps can be driven.

$25 fee will be applied to membership registration fees if you decide to join our race club!

Interested Driver(s)
Driver 1 Name:
Date of Birth:
Driver 2 Name:
Date of Birth:
Driver 3 Name:
Date of Birth:
Driver 4 Name:
Date of Birth:
Test Drive Scheduling
Preferred Day of Week:
Saturday Sunday Weekday 
Preferred Month:
Parent Information
Parent Name:*

Thanks for your interest in our Test Drive program!

Click Submit to submit this form.

Somebody from PPQMA will contact you within the next few days.
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