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Estimate Order
Contractor Details*



Project Address*


Extension Single Storey
Extension Double Storey
Loft Conversion
Basement Conversion
Internal Refurbishment
New Build
Extension Single Storey
Extension Double Storey
Loft Conversion
Basement Conversion
Internal Refurbishment
External Works
New Build
2 working days
Next working day
Project Plan

Sub Total:
VAT: (20.00%):
Grand Total:


Install boiler*
Yes No 

Install cylinder*
Yes No 

Install underfloor heating*
Yes No 

Install radiators*
Yes No 

Number of radiators?*

Include electrical points*
Yes No 

Number of points?*

Install fuse board*
Yes No 

Install kitchen*
Yes No 

Install utility*
Yes No 

Install bathroom*
Yes No 

Install WC*
Yes No 

Install flooring*
Yes No 


I accept "Terms and Conditions"*

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