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2021 Saratoga Summer Basketball Camp Registration
Camper Information - Fill out one form per camper
*Camper First Name:
*Camper Last Name:
*Home Address:
School in Fall
*Grade in Fall
*Played AAU?
How many years?
*Played on school team?
How many year?
*How did you hear about the camp?
Allergies, Medical and Emotional Concerns

Parent Information / Emergency Contact
*Parent First Name:
*Parent Last Name:
*E-Mail:Valid e-mail is required
*Contact Phone Number
Secondary Parent First Name
Secondary Parent Last Name
Secondary Parent Phone Number
Add`l Emergency First Name
Add`l Emergency Last Name
Add`l Emergency Phone Number

Session Selection: Click appropriate checkbox(es) and choose number of session to pay for in the dropdown box
All Sessions Available - Camp is Monday through Thursday - OUTDOOR Courts Only
Session 1: June 7-10; 9AM-12PM limit reached
Session 2: June 14-17; 9AM-12PM limit reached
Session 3: June 21-24; 9AM-12PM limit reached
Session 4: June 28-July 1; 9AM-12PM limit reached
*Total Sessions Checked Above

Discount Code
Additional Donation for the SHS Sports Boosters
Donation Amount
A portion of the proceeds go to the Saratoga High School Sports Boosters. Additional money above camp tuition price may be donated to the 501C3 foundation and are tax deductible.
Grand Total
Grand Total:
Camp Waiver / Additional Information
Camp located at Saratoga High School Gym, 20300 Herriman Ave, Saratoga CA 95070. ALL 2021 camp activities will be OUTDOORS on the Sports Courts near the track.

Cost and discounts are per camper. No multiple discounts. Discount must be entered before submitting payment/checking out, cannot be taken retroactively.
Cancellation policy is full refund minus $35 before June 1st. No refunds after June 1st.
No prorating of missed days, even for injury or illness.
Campers must be picked up by 12:10 at the latest.

Pay Pal will list charge as SARATOGAHIG and payment is made to SHS Sports Boosters.
Participants are expected:
Masks must be worn at all times except for drinking
Participants need to maintain social distancing when possible
Pass screening health questions before participating in a clinic each day

I further acknowledge that Saratoga Basketball Camp has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I further acknowledge that Saratoga Basketball Camp cannot guarantee that my child will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself, my child, and others, including, but not limited to, Saratoga Basketball coaches, and other camp participants.

My child voluntarily is participating in the Saratoga Basketball Camp and acknowledge that my child is increasing their risk of exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I and my child must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending the clinic.

If my child needs emergency medical treatment, consent is hereby granted for such emergency treatment as may be deemed necessary by the staff of the Saratoga Basketball Camp and in the opinion of the attending medical personal/physician. I hereby waive and release Saratoga High School and the Saratoga High School Sports Boosters from any liabilities and injuries incurred while participating in the camp. Saratoga Basketball Camp reserves the right to use any photos or video taken during camps.
*If you agree to the waiver, please type in your full name to act as your signature:
*** To insure receipt of confirmation, please add our email to your safe list or check SPAM for: registration@saratogabasketball.com ***
Email distribution list (several emails a year)
*Add me to the email distribution list
Opt-in (Yes, Notify me of future camps)
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