Complete this simple online application to get started.
$ Loan Amount Needed:
E-Mail Address:
Company Name:
Years In Business, Explain:
Company Address:
Zip Code:
Company Phone:
Business Evaluation
State of Incorporation:
Number of Employees:
Number of Locations:
Does the Company have any Outstanding Debt? YES/NO, Explain:
Value of Outstanding Debt:
What Industry is your business in:
What will the funding be used for:
Ownership Structure: List all owners with 5% or more equity. John Smith 51%, Jane Doe 49%
Personal Evaluation
First Name:
Last Name:
Social Security Number:
Own or Rent your residence, explain:
Rent amount:
Residence Address:
Cell Phone Number:
Residence Telephone Number:
What is the value of your current cash balances:
What is the Value of your personal retirement Balances? (401K, IRA, Pension, Etc.)
What is the Value of the stocks, bonds and other securities that you own?
1. The last three months Bank Statements(all pages)

For more options and better terms and amounts over $150,000 also provide:
1. The last two years federal business Tax Returns, all pages.
2. The last year personal federal Tax Return, all pages.
Agreement and Disclaimer
By entering your name above and clicking Get Cash button below, you acknowledge and agree: All answers in your loan application are full, accurate and complete. You understand that this application does not commit EL Dorado Commercial Finance LLC to make a loan. You have read and agree with our Privacy Policy. In the event a loan is issued, you also agree that you may obtain similar such information from time to time until your loan is repaid in full.
The above named individual, who is either a principal of the credit applicant and/or a personal guarantor of its obligations, provides written instruction to El  Dorado  Commercial Finance LLC or its designee (and any assignee or potential assignee thereof) authorizing review of his/her personal credit profile from a national credit bureau. Such authorization shall extend to obtaining a credit profile in considering this application and subsequently for the purposes of update, renewal or extension of such credit or additional credit and for reviewing or collecting the resulting account. A photostat or facsimile copy of this authorization shall be valid as the original. Further I/we authorize release of all bank information for personal and corporate accounts by phone or fax. By typing first name, last name and clicking get cash! button below, I/we affirm my/our identity as the respective individual(s) identified in the above application.

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