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Home Services Registration Request
Personal Information Informacion personal
First Name: (primer nombre)*
Last Name:Apellido*
E-Mail:Correo Electronico*
Address Line 1:Direccion*
Address Line 2: Direccion
Home Phone:Telefono de Casa*
Cell Phone: Cellular*
City: Ciudad*
State: Estado*
Zip Code: Area Postal*
Employment status sought? Estado de Empleo*
I have verifiable W-2 or 1099ed experience in the following fields Tengo un W-2 o 1099ed*
   Bar keeping (private party)
   Carpet cleaning
   Errands/Shopping/ concierge
   Gardening/ yard work
   House cleaning
   Nanny/ Sitter
   Petsitting/ Dog walker
   Pet waste disposal
   Serving/ Wait staff
   Moving/ Hauling
   Pool cleaning
   Window washing
I am primarily seeking to be matched with jobs in the following field: Quiero un trabajo asiendo:*
   Bar keeping (private party)
   Carpet cleaning
   Errands/Shopping/ concierge
   Gardening/ yard work
   House cleaning
   Nanny/ Sitter
   Petsitting/ Dog walker
   Serving/ Wait staff
   Moving/ Hauling
   Pool cleaning
   Window washing
available start date: Dia disponible*
Do you have reliable transportation: Tiene transportation?*
Are you currently self employed? Trabaja por su cuenta?*
Are you looking to be self employed? Estas buscando ser autonomo?*
Do you have your own equipment and supplies to do your job? Tiene su propio equipo y sumistros para ser el trabajo?*
Do you have your own business license and/ or liability insurance? Tiene su propia licencia comercial y/o seguro?*
   yes I have both.
   No I do not have either and I DO NOT plan to get any.
   No I do not have either at the moment, but I DO plan to get them SOON.
   I have a business license but not business liability Insurance.
   I have business liability insurance but not the business license.
How much work are you looking for?Cuanto trabajo estas buscando?*
   a couple of jobs per month
   a couple of jobs per week
   please fill my schedule I need lots of work
   I want to only pick up jobs when my business schedule is light
Are you fluent in English?*
   Yes, English is my first language
   Yes, but English is not my first language
How many years of paid experience do you have in this trade?*
   Less than 1 Year
   More than 1 year - less than 2 Years
   More than 2 years - Less than 3 Years
   3+ Years
What do you normally charge or want to be paid per hour? ¿Qué cobra por hora / cuánto desea que le paguen por hora?*
   $21 - $25 per hour
   $26 - $30 per hour
   $31 - $35 per hour
   $36 - $40 per hour
   $41 - $45 per hour
   $46 - $50 per hour
   $51 - $60 per hour
   $61 - $70 per hour
   $71 - $80 per hour
   More than $80 per hour
Please describe your professional experience and how it relates to the trade your offering to do
Describe In Detail Your Work Experience As It Relates To The Work Your Offering To Do
Please list companies and/ or platforms or apps that you`ve worked for such as Handy, Thumbtack etc
3 Professional Work References - Persons Whom You Have Worked For Doing Your Trade (Not Friends or Family)
1 ) First Name: Primer Nombre*
Last Name: Apellido*
Address Line 1: Direccion 1
E-Mail: Correo Electronico
Phone: Telefono*
Phone: Telefono
2) First Name: Primer Nombre*
Last Name: Apellido*
Address Line 1: Direccion 1
E-Mail: Correo Electronico
Phone: Telfono*
Phone: Telefono
3) First Name: Primer Nombre*
Last Name: Apellido*
Address Line 1: Direccion 1
E-Mail: Correo Electronico
Phone: Telefono*
Phone: Telefono
Please upload your Resume: Porfavor suba su curriculum
Please Answer the following questions
What cities do you normally service?
If a client is upset with the quality of your work how would you attempt to resolve the matter?
Your running late for a job or cant make the job at all, what would you do?
Are there things that you may be uncomfortable working around? Cats, Dogs, insects for example
If you work with a partner or partners, how long have your worked together?
You realize that you cant complete the work assigned for whatever reason, what would you do?
Do you know of any other contractors who may benefit from working through our Agency?
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